Member-only story
A Short Story: The Invitation
Author’s Note: The short story below, the sixth in an ongoing series, was drawn up based on a creative writing exercise. Here’s how it works: I pull two cards from a box of writing prompts and write whatever comes to mind — it’s that simple. This week’s topic: “person who calls talk radio shows” and “invitation from a stranger.” Below is my interpretation of that combination. And since we are just few short weeks from Halloween, I thought it might be fun to explore some darker themes with this series of stories. I welcome your feedback and, if inspiration strikes, please do share your own version in the comments!
“So, here’s the big question: is American culture dead? Taking your calls after the break.”
The little red light blinked out and Harry Jasmine dropped his headset onto the desk. It had been a long shift and he was itching for a cigarette. At times like this, he tried to remember all the reasons he had quit: a frustrated wife, the sleepless nights, and hacking fits that made him unbearable to be around. Life without smoking had been better, for sure. Still, the yearning remained.
“Nice hook, Jazzy. The lines are lighting up.” Kevin Bush had been Jasmine’s program director for nearly 20 years. The life of a radio host and his team is a transient one, but they had been together for nearly a decade on WKWZ…